Dear Co-Providers ,
As advised recently new AID units were being reviewed, as a consequence below is the latest update and draft units of competency developed by industry consultation. They are seeking feedback from industry, if you wish to review or comment details and links are provided.
Pending outcomes of this industry consultation NFA will update, review and simplify the assessment resources to reflect the changes.
In the interim NFA acknowledges from your feedback that the current AID assessment resources are time consuming for progressive comments for each scenario. NFA will accept one comment per scenario.
The following information is given by Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council:
The First Aid Subject Matter Expert Group (SMEG) signed off the draft of the new release of First Aid units: HLTAID001 – HLTAID007 (HLTAID008 not included in this review) on 7 July 2014. Pending feedback, the next release of these units will be a Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&HISC) upgrade, resulting in no change to code or title of the units as they will be deemed equivalent. When the new release units are finalised, RTO’s who have the endorsed HLTAID units on scope of registration may immediately use the new release version in their assessment tools and strategies. CS&HISC aim to have this new release available on by 6th October 2014 to meet the new transition timeline of these units on the 30th October 2014.
Please access the following web-site and provide feedback if necessary:
It is ESSENTIAL that stakeholders read this document before submitting feedback.
To provide feedback, please follow the steps given by CS&HISC in the web-site.


Beatrice Barnett