Dear Co Providers,
I take this opportunity to thank you for your valued support, patience and feedback.
NFA is making significant progress on the new first aid training units and we will keep you informed regarding the addition of these units on scope and the transition arrangements.
We are always seeking ways to continuously improve the way we manage our RTO compliance requirements and the way we work with you – our co providers.
NFA is pleased to advise that we are changing the way we will be requesting your co-provider information. We believe it is a positive move, both efficient and effective.
All of your information will now need to be submitted electronically via the NFA Website/ Co-Provider Trainer section,
The information/evidence we currently have on your file will be superseded by your electronic submissions.
Your submissions will need to be forwarded electronically to NFA by 22nd April 2014. This is essential in order for NFA to reactivate your NFA co provider login and to process your requests for Statements of Attainment.
NFA seeks your cooperation to ensure the transition is without any delay. Change is inevitable and sometimes this causes difficulties, however I am confident that collectively we can overcome any initial transition issues.
Below is a set of instructions to guide you:
A new drop down screen has been added under
Co provider/trainer section.
(You do not need a Co provider login for this)
NFA has developed instructions and provided an explanation
for each record of evidence required. Please read the
instructions carefully to avoid any confusion.
You will need to scan all verified documents prior to
submission. We have provided details on who can verify
documents. Documents will not be accepted unless verified as
The request for this evidence is a requirement for compliance
and any, incomplete submission/s will be not processed.
The Co provider agreement has been updated and will need to
be signed annually – NFA does not need the full document
scanned and submitted on line- just the signature page.
However, you are also required to print and post the
agreement to NFA, where it will then be verified / signed off
and a copy forwarded for your records. Please note that
provisions for the new first aid (AID) units of competency have
been made.
During the transition period you will have access to your Co
provider login after which it will deactivated.
Regretfully after the 22nd April we cannot process your
requests for Statements of Attainment.
NFA will hold your assessment paperwork/request for
Statements of Attainment until you are deemed compliant or
return the assessment paperwork as requested.
On receipt of all your required evidence, NFA will reactivate your login, notify you and provide you with a new login account.
NFA is not unique in this request for on line Co provider submissions. We trust and are confident that this request will not create a problem for you and will ensure better record management of your files and compliance, moving forward.
Please note that you are required to complete the Co provider Training skill profile – we understand this does not include the new first aid AID units of competency. As we currently do not have these units on scope, we cannot update the proforma.
Please ensure before you submit your request to be reaccredited that your CV’s are current until 2014, your documents are verified, insurance is current and that you complete the Co provider profile as requested.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your details are submitted electronically and that this information is current at all times – NFA will conduct scheduled audits of co provider files.
We are available and willing to guide you throughout this transition period.
I thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to our on going partnership.
Kind Regards
Kym Eden
Managing Director