Good afternoon Co Providers,

Thank you for your submissions. Most of you have now been reactivated to the NFA website. I am still processing applications for those who have been late with submissions. If you have recently sent through documentation, Statements of Attainment will remain on hold until the process has been completed.

Program Documentation:

Please ensure that when completing courses, you use the CURRENT, up to date documentation. You must regularly check with the NFA website as updates and improvements to documentation and program information is continually changing. Submitted documentation that is not current or incorrect will be returned.


Kym and Gavin attended a VRQA pre audit conference today and have been informed that all trainers information and documentation will be closely scrutinised. .

NFA is now conducting an internal audit check on all compliant trainers currencies and specifically skills matrix submissions. You may be contacted in regard to any shortfalls or inconsistencies etc.

NFA is definitely on track to be re registered however to achieve this we must abide by VRQA rules and regulations.

If you have any queries please email or call Nikki: