Dear Co-Providers,
With the audit successfully completed and re registration imminent we can now focus on servicing you our Co-providers better. Below is an update on all outstanding issues.
A) HLTAID latest release units of competency
This is a general broadcast to update you on the revised training and assessment companions for the HLTAID units of competency on NFA scope. Namely HLTAID001 to HLTAID004.
As you are aware the above units of competency were recently revised to reflect industry requirements. We recently sent you a news alert advising you of the changes and the link to for your research.
We have updated the training and assessment material to reflect the above changes and also to incorporate your constructive feedback for improvements to existing format.
The new companions are now on the login section for you to access and use. We recommend you commence using them as soon as possible as the scenarios and theory questions have been reduced and the assessment process simplified.
To avoid any confusion and to ensure that your submitted assessment meets the criteria for issuance of statements of attainment you are required to write your assessor observation comments in the area provided.
Please note:
• Comments such as good, well done are not acceptable. Your comments must reflect that you observed the participant undertaking the scenario e.g. administered the adrenaline auto injector, recognized the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, followed Ascia action plan etc.
• In addition your comments must be sufficient e.g. one statement is not sufficient. Basically you need to provide enough evidence for an auditor to be satisfied that you did observe the participant.
• Same comments for all participants is not acceptable either – as each participant would be observed differently.
Please note that the Essential Companion has been updated to incorporate a new Participant Application and Enrolment form. You will note that provisions for a Unique Student Identifier have been made. Collection of the USI will become effective on1 January 2015. All students undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Further information will be provided to you closer to the effective date.
B) Mac Users
For all Mac users who could not open the files in the companions we have made separate provisions for you to access the documents as individual files. The documents will always be current and reflect the companions. Thank you for being so patient.
C) Pre assessment theory test – One Day training option
For HLTAID003 and HLTAID004 the one day training option specifically requires that the theory assessment is completed prior to the practical training session.
Currently the participants have access to the theory questions and NFA Text book on the NFA website. Whereby participants are required to print and forward the completed assessment to the trainer/assessor on the practical training day.
By mid-November we will have in place a pre assessment theory test that participants can complete on line which will be assessed on line also.
At the completion of the test, the participants will be issued with a certificate that they will forward to you to attach as evidence to the unit assessment pack.
For participants that are not computer savvy then the current option to print and complete the theory questions and forward to you for assessment still exists.
D) HLTAID006 and HLTAID007
The above units of competency will be submitted to VRQA for addition to scope within the next week. .
We apologize for the delay, understandably our focus was on a positive audit outcome.
We expect them to be on scope by end of November. We will advise as soon as the addition to scope occurs.
E) Validation and Industry Consultation
Please attend either of the scheduled validation and industry consultation days on the 20th and 25th of November as we value your participation and contribution. A reminder notice will be forwarded shortly. Furthermore, your attendance is considered as part of your professional development.