b'Penetrating Chest or Back InjuryChapter hapterCollapsed LungA collapsed lung (pneumothorax) occurs when air enters the area that surrounds the lungs (pleural space). Air pressure will rise significantly above the pressure that is inside the lungs and may cause a part of lung to collapse. If air continues to enter the pleural space and is unable to escape, a tension pneumothorax will occur, resulting in further lung collapse.A collapsed lung may occur spontaneously, without warning. It may occur as a result of trauma or over pressurisation of the lungs(refer to Underwater Diving Emergencies, page 247).How to RecogniseExtreme difficulty and painful breathing.Breathing can be rapid, shallow and irregular.Blue discolouration around the lips and finger nails (cyanosis).Severe chest pain.Possible deviation of the trachea (windpipe).Distended veins in the neck.Significantly reduced chest movement on the injured side.How to ManageFor an unconscious patient, apply DRSABCD.Call Ambulance 000.Gently assist the conscious patient into a position of comfort, preferablysitting, leaning toward the injured side with head and shoulders supported.Keep the patient warm, rested and comfortable.Closely monitor patient for response, airway, normal breathing while waiting for Ambulance. Chest and Abdomen Injury 103'