b'ChapterSucking or Open Chest WoundOpen penetration to the chest or back can cause catastrophic devastation to the heart, lungs and blood vessels. As the patient breathes, you may hear a sucking sound coming from the wound. Air is drawn into the chest cavity causing a build up of blood and pressure on the uninjured side, which may lead to collapse of the good lung.Death may occur quicklyHow to RecogniseExtreme difficulty and painful breathing.Breathing can be rapid, shallow and irregular.The patient feels an acute sense of fear.Blue discolouration around the lips and finger nails (cyanosis).Patient may cough up frothy red blood.Bubbles of frothy liquid coming from the wound.Crackling or bubbling sounds coming from around the wound.This is caused by a collection of air in the tissues.A distinct sucking sound of air being drawn into the wound asthe patient breathes in.Neck veins becoming visibly enlarged or distended. 104 Chest and Abdomen Injury'