b'Chapter hapterElectrical / Lightning BurnAn electrical burn is misleading because externally there may appear to be very little damage. High current flow is normally associated with an entry wound and an exit wound. However, internally there is often severe damage to underlying structures. Most of the damage is sustained in the deeper tissues, which are seriously burnt by heat. Burns sustained may be worse than they appear. Fractures may sometimes be evident. Electrical current flow through the heart may cause immediate cardiac arrest.How to ManageApply DRSABCD. In the event of low voltage, shut down the power or carefully remove patientfrom electrical source. In case of high voltage, remain at a safe distance (minimum 6 metres) and wait until professional electricity personnel arrive to shut down the power.Call Ambulance 000. Flood the entry and exit wounds with cool water for 20 minutes and carefully cut away any burnt clothing.Cover the burns with a dry preferablysterile non-adherent dressing to protect against infection. There may also be fractures that need support; splint and immobilise affected limbs.Reassure and cover the patient.Closely monitor patient for response,airway, normal breathing while waiting for Ambulance.Be prepared to resuscitate.Burns and Scalds 123'