b'ChapterB C DBreathingD R S A How to Check for BreathingWhile keeping the airway open:Lookfor any chest movement - rise and fall of the lower chest or upper abdomen.Listenclosely for any breath sounds or air escape from the mouth and nose.Feelfor any air escape against your cheek and for any movement of the chest and upperabdomen.Look, Listen and Feel for no longer than 10 seconds.If the patient is breathing normally:Ensure patient is placed in the recovery position with appropriate head tilt to protect their airway.Check for any other life threatening injury such as bleeding. Keep the patient warm by covering with a sheet or blanket.Closely monitor patient for response, airway, normal breathing while waiting for Ambulance.If the patient is NOT breathing normally and is Conscious:Call Ambulance 000. Send a bystander if available. Closely monitor patient for response, airway, normal breathing while waiting for Ambulance. If the patient is NOT breathing normally and is UnconsciousSounds of gurgling, sighing or coughing may be present - this is regarded as NOT breathing normally or abnormal breathing. Abnormal breathing (Agonal gasps) are present in up to 40% of cardiac arrest patients and is an indication for starting CPR immediately.Ensure airway is open and clear Ensure patient is on their backCommence chest compressions followed by rescue breaths. Continue 30 compressions and then 2 rescue breaths.42 Resuscitation'