b'Full Thickness Burn (3rd Degree)ChapterFull thickness burns occur when all tissuesEpidermisin the epidermis and the dermis are irreversibly damaged or destroyed as well as the deep underlying structures; fat, muscle, nerves, blood vessels and bone.Full thickness burns may be caused by:Flames.Contact with hot metal.Scalds.DermisChemicals.Electricity. Hypodermis (fat, muscle and bone)The epidermis and dermis are destroyed, white or charred by the injury and the surface will be pain free because nerve endings have been completely destroyed. However, surroundingpartial thickness burns will be very painful. The capillaries and vessels in the dermis are damaged and fluid seeps out beneath this layer. Full thickness burns cause tissue coagulation with little or no pain.If the full thickness burn encircles the limb or the chest, this fluid causes swelling which will act like a tourniquet and impair the circulation to the fingers/toes.Burns to the neck, cause swelling which will inhibit the ability to breathe normally or may cause an obstruction to the airway.Full thickness burns are potentially life threatening, disfiguring, disabling and eventually require skin grafts.120 Burns and Scalds'