b'ChapterMolten Substance Burn (metals, bitumen, plastics)How to Manage Move the patient away from the area as there may be noxious fumes or gases. Avoid any direct contact with the molten substance.Immediately flood the area with large amounts of cool running water for up to 30 minutesbecause molten substances retain heat longer.Remove constrictive clothing or jewellery.Do not attempt to remove molten substance unless it is obstructing the airway as skin tissue maybe torn away.Call Ambulance 000.Continue to relieve the burn with cool wet compresses.Elevate any burned limbs.Cover burns with a dry preferably sterile non-adherent dressing.Reassure and cover the patient.Closely monitor patient for response, airway, normal breathing while waiting for Ambulance. If the molten substance encircles a limb, it may tend to restrict or cut off circulation so you may have to gently crack or split the molten substance while flooding the area.128 Burns and Scalds'