b'ChapterHow to Recognise The bite site may be painless and without visible marks (snake bite and Blue Ringed Octopus).Paired fang marks but often only a scratch mark normally on the lower limb (snake bite). Sharp pain is felt initially (Cone Shell). Headache and blurred vision.Abdominal pain. Nausea and vomiting.Occasionally, initial collapse or confusion followed by partial or complete recovery.Weakness, drowsiness, confusion and restlessness.Feeling faint.Swollen, tender glands in the groin or armpit of the bitten limb. Numbness of lips and tongue (Blue Ringed Octopus). I ncreased saliva secretion and sweating.Weakness in the limbs or paralysis. Difficulty in speaking and swallowing. Breathing difficulty and in extreme cases, breathing stops. Some signs are not always clearly visible and symptoms may only appear much later. Life threatening effects may not be obvious for hours. However, when massive envenomation occurs, especially in children, signs and symptoms may appear within minutes.How to ManageLay the patient down flat.Rest, reassure and constantly observe.Do not wash the wound.Keep the patient and affected limb completely at rest.Apply pressure immobilisation technique immediately(refer to page 157) .Closely watch for any signs of severe allergic reaction(refer to Anaphylaxis, page 184) .Call Ambulance 000.Closely monitor patient for response, airway, normal breathing while waiting for Ambulance.Be prepared to resuscitate. There is no anti-venom available for Blue Ringed Octopus or Cone Shell.156 Bites and Stings'