b'Chapter hapter Adrenaline is life saving and must be used promptly. Withholding or delaying the administration of adrenaline can result in deterioration and death. Oxygen will be administered to the patient by Ambulance paramedics. State legislation applies and must be adhered to for risk management requirements.The Adrenaline Auto InjectorThere are different brands of adrenaline auto injectors, always refer to the label on how to administer the device.The adrenaline auto injector contains one single pre-measured dose of adrenaline (epinephrine), delivered by a spring activated needle that is concealed in a small barrel. The most important step in the treatment of anaphylaxis is the administration of adrenaline.Adrenaline will open up the airways to make it easier to breathe. It also maintains heart function and blood pressure. There are two strengths of the auto injector:0.15mgrecommended for children 7.5-20Kg.0.30mgrecommended for adults and children over 20Kg.How To AdministerEpipen / Epipen JrCheck that the adrenaline auto injector is in date (they have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months).Administer as shown by the diagrams on the barrel of the adrenaline auto injector and the Action Plans for Anaphylaxis.Hold the adrenaline auto injector against the outer mid-thigh.With added firm pressure against the mid thigh, push down hard rather than jab theadrenaline auto injector down into the skin (listen for the click as the needle is activatedvia EpiPen). The adrenaline auto injector can penetrate a thin layer of clothing if necessary.Hold the adrenaline auto injector firmly in the thigh for 3 seconds (count slowly to 3). Carefully remove the adrenaline auto injector. Record the time of administration. Hand the used auto injector to the paramedics.Adrenaline is the only affective treatment for Anaphylaxis.Adrenaline is very fast acting and lasts for approximately 10-20 minutes.The patient will feel better within minutes.If available an additional adrenaline auto injector dose may be given if:There is no improvement after 5 minutes. Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis continue to progress.Signs and symptoms resolve and then recur.If the patient does not have a second adrenaline auto injector and there is an adrenaline auto injector for general use, this should be used.Medical Emergencies 187'