b'Chapter hapterTreatment of Mental IllnessTreatment of Mental IllnessMost mental illnesses can be effectively treated. Recognising the early signs and symptoms of mental illness and accessing effective treatment early is important. The earlier treatment starts, the better the outcome. Episodes of mental illness can come and go during different periods in peoples lives. Some people experience only one episode of illness and fully recover. For others, it recurs throughout their lives. Effective treatments can include medication, cognitive and behavioural psychological therapies, psycho-social support, psychiatric disability rehabilitation, avoidance of risk factors such as harmful alcohol and other drug use -and learning self- management skills. It is rarely possible for someone with a mental illness to make the symptoms go away just by strength of will and this should not be suggested. People with a mental illness need the same empathetic understanding and support given to people with a physical illness. A mental illness is not an illness for which anyone should be blamed. People with mental illness may be at risk of harmful alcohol and other drug use. This makes treatment more complex, so that effectively managing alcohol and drug use is important. Risk of suicide is heightened for people with some mental illnesses, particularly soon after diagnosis or release from hospital.Myths, Misunderstandings and Facts Myths, misunderstandings, and negative stereotypes and attitudes surround mental illness. These result in stigma, discrimination, and isolation of people with mental illness, as well as their families and carers.Are mental illnesses a form of intellectual disability or brain damage?No. The illnesses like any other, such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma. Unfortunately, the traditions of sympathy, support, and flowers given to people with physical illnesses are often denied to those with a mental illness. Are mental illnesses incurable and lifelong?No. When treated appropriately and early, many people recover fully and have no further episodes of illness. For others, mental illness may recur throughout their lives and require ongoing treatment Mental illness can well managed to help enable individuals to live a full, relatively stress free and happy life.Are people born with a mental illness?No. A vulnerability to some mental illnesses, such as bipolar mood disorder, can run in families. But other people can develop mental illness with no family history. Many factors contribute to the onset of a mental illness. These include stress, bereavement, relationship breakdown, physical and sexual abuse, unemployment, social isolation, and major physical illness or disability. Our understanding of the causes of mental illness is not fully understood.Mental Illness257'