b'ChapterCategory 3 - Heat / Hot WaterStonefish, Bull Rout, Stingray, Other Spine Fish and Non Tropical BluebottleThese marine animals can inject dangerous venom through their sharp spines when they are handled or accidentally stepped on. The stingray has a long, sharp and powerful continuing spine in the tail that inflicts serious injury.How to RecogniseI mmediate and severe localised pain at the affected area.Swelling (there may be an open wound with sharp barbs embedded). Grey or blue discolouration becoming evident. Panic and irrational behaviour.Nausea, vomiting.Altered conscious responses.Bleeding from the wound.Shock.How to ManageControl any severe bleeding.Carefully remove the spine, but only if easily removed.Place the injury (normally an arm or leg) gently into hot water or use a hotcompress such as a towel immersed in hot water, being careful not to scald. Heat/Hot water is an effective treatment for minimising pain. If the patient shows signs of severe allergic reaction, manage for Anaphylaxis(refer to page 184) .Call Ambulance 000.Reassure and cover the patient.Closely monitor patient for response, airway, normal breathingwhile waiting for Ambulance.Anti-venom is available for stonefish sting. 162 Bites and Stings'