b'ChapterHypoglycaemia versus HyperglycaemiaCategory Hypoglycaemia HyperglycaemiaHistoryFood intake Missed or under eaten Eaten excessivelyOnset of symptoms Rapid GradualSymptomsThirsty No YesHungry Yes NoVomiting Not common CommonUrine output Normal HighSignsBreath odour Normal Fruity or sweetPulse Rapid and strong Rapid and weakBreathing Normal RapidSkin Pale, cold and sweaty Hot and drySeizures Common Not commonGeneral Behaviour Irrational, aggressive,Fatigue, confused, sluggishrestless, fidgety, confused, slurred speech, rapid loss of consciousness, seizureBlood Glucose Level Less than 3.0mmol/L greater than 15 mmol/L202 Medical Emergencies'