b'Partial Thickness Burn (2nd Degree)Chapter hapterPartial thickness burns involve damage toEpidermisthe epidermis and the dermis (deeper second layer of skin).Partial thickness burns may be caused by:Flames.Hot water.Steam.Corrosive chemicals. DermisSkin is painful, red, blistered, swollen, raw looking with maybe a blotchy appearance and weeping clear fluid. Blistering occurs because fluid is lost from blood vessels and becomes trapped under the epidermis. It usually heals within 5 to 30 days.How to ManageImmediately cool the burned area with cool running water for up to 20 minutes.If water is not available, remove all wet, non-adherent clothing immediatelybecause clothing soaked in hot liquid retains heat.Cover the burned area with a dry non-adherent dressing.Keep the patient lightly covered.Rest, reassure and comfort.Seek medical assistance/Call Ambulance 000.Burns and Scalds 119'